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SART Fertility Experts

An educational project of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, this series is designed to provide up to date information about a variety of topics related to fertility testing and treatment such as IVF. The ”Experts” include accomplished professionals:  reproductive endocrinologists, reproductive urologists, genetic counselors and mental health professionals who share their knowledge and advice in an informal interview. Are you ready to take the next step towards building your family? Start With SART!

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SART Fertility Experts is part of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) family of podcasts. Listen to more ASRM podcasts:

ASRM Today Podcast     Fertility and Sterility On Air

May 18, 2021

In this episode, Dr. Daniel Grow interviews Dr. Mark Leondires, the founder and medical director of both the Reproductive Medicine Associates of Connecticut and of Gay Parents To Be. Dr. Leondires is board certified in Reproductive Endocrinology and serves as Chair of the ASRM’s LGBTQ Special Interest Group. He has...

May 4, 2021

Does stress cause infertility or is it the other way round?  The emotional impacts of IVF treatment are featured in this episode with Dr. Julia Woodward, interviewed by Dr. Vickie Schafer.  Dr. Woodward is an Associate Professor and Clinical Psychologist who has directed the Patient Support Program at the Duke Fertility...